The blog title should read "Dunbar has Done it Again" because she certainly has. The gallery is alive with a collection of the most beautiful, glorious, colourful and happy paintings.
Five Small Pots of Flowers on a Red Table
410 x 400mm acrylic on board
£950 |
People have been wandering around the exhibition like children in a sweet shop... "I want that one, no I want that one more, I cant decide, I want them all, all of them...NOW!"
Sardines, Primula and Turquoise Water 455mm x 455mm, mixed media on board
They are simply lovely paintings. Emma paints flowers with the ease of a gardeners intimate knowledge, her Primula's grow right out of the paintings, her Anemones sing with vibrant voices.
Across to the Chain Locker 760mm x 760mm, acrylic on board
(featured in Artist and Illustrator magazine) |
Flowers painted with confidence and huge skill and a delightful carefree touch. Her colour combinations are brilliant, vibrant and happy.
I so desperately want one of these pictures to have and look at forever.
Aubergines, Pan, Yellow Pepper 455mm x 455mm, mixed media on board
£1,100 |
I think, if I had to choose I would have this one. Just look at that splash of yellow pepper and the playful squiggle next to it, the big fat, black pan and the beautifully painted Aubergines, and the colours...ooh it makes me go all breathless!! But, and here is the difficulty I also love this one...
Three Pansies and Chocolates
mixed media on board, 300 x 300mm
The colours, and chocolate and those mugs! It is a gorgeous exhibition, well worth a visit and a dip into the wonderful world of Dunbar. I think they should have a health warning though, they wont rot your teeth but they might make you so happy that you pop!
Another thing worth a mention is that you can now buy, with one click from our web site, have a look and if you are far away have a go before they are all sold!!
Cliff Top Flowers in Tin Mug 300mm x 300mm, acrylic on board
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